The Emergence of Temporary Workers in France
The emergence of temporary contracts has changed the structure of employment in france. This article explains the reasons behind their development and their implications for workers on short-term contracts. It also explores how the specialised agency sector managed to develop within a more permissive regulatory environment and with the support of labour movements.
Those on temporary work contracts have more difficulty in finding an open-ended contract and are less likely to receive professional training. Moreover, they are more exposed to economic shocks. Finally, they often have difficulty reconciling their work and private lives with uncertain renewals or fluctuating working hours. URL
The Gig Economy in France: How Temporary Work is Reshaping Employment
The main type of temporary work is a CDI contract, a contrat d’emploi indéterminé, the standard form of private work in France. This kind of contract guarantees a certain permanence of employment and, in general, cannot end until the employee resigns or unless the company proves that he/she was at fault to merit dismissal (the exception being serious wrongdoing). Nevertheless, this type of contract is still very common and accounts for about half of all fixed-term contracts and for more than a third of part time contracts. It is used especially in atypical sectors such as farming and technical and scientific activities, but it is also present in public administrations.